Millions were taken off by the Black Plague. 那场大鼠疫夺去了数以百万计人的生命。
It is not the rat but the flea that carries the black plague – and northern Shensi was one of the few places on earth where that killer disease was still endemic. 传播鼠疫的是跳蚤,而不是老鼠。这种致命的疾病,在地球上依然流行的地方已为数不多了,而陕北便是其中之一。
"Still, Black income lags behind that of whites, and the traditional ills associated with segregation-poverty, illness, high crime rates, and under-education& continue to plague Black communities more than they do white ones" 然而,黑人的收入仍然低于白人,与种族隔离联系在一起的传统祸害&贫困、疾
The black plague was caused by bacteria that lived on fleas that lived on rats. 黑色瘟疫是由跳蚤身上的细菌引起的,那些跳蚤寄生在老鼠身上。
The economic consequences of the Black Death were far-reaching. As a result of the plague, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of labor. 黑死病对经济造成了很深远的影响,鼠疫导致了大片土地无人照管和劳动力极度匮乏。
The theory the black death was a type of bubonic plague, long taken for granted, was challenged ten years ago by Christopher Duncan and Susan Scott of the University of Liverpool. 黑死病就是一种鼠疫这一长期以来被当作理所当然的理论,在十年前被利物浦大学的克里斯多弗邓肯和苏珊斯科特质疑。
Our teacher tells us that they will give us extra credit if we can figure out how the nursery rhyme "Ring around the Rosy" relates to the black plague. 老师告诉我们,如果可以解释出童谣“玫瑰花环”与黑死病的关系,就会给我们额外的加分。
Avoid Mother's Day and Valentine's Day like the black plague. 要像躲瘟疫一样避开母亲节和情人节。
Throughout history, diseases such as the black plague have killed millions of people. 在历史上,像黑死病这样的疾病,造成了数以百万计的人死亡。
The paper also suggests that every existing strain of Y.pestis can be traced to the black death, and not to the plague of Justinian, a series of epidemics which hit Europe in the sixth, seventh and eighth centuries, as had been previously thought. 该论文也提出现存的所有鼠疫杆菌菌株都可以追朔到黑死病,而不是像之前所认为的来源于六到八世纪先后数次席卷欧洲的查士丁尼大瘟疫。
Many people were taken off by the Black Plague. 许多人被黑死病夺去了生命。
When all else fails, remember the Monty Python mantra of the Black Plague victim: "I'm not dead." 如果别人都失败了,那么记住《黑死病》罹难者中蒙提•派森的咒语:“我不是死人。”
The black plague struck the village. 黑死病袭击了那个村庄。
Black Death was the modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague, an epidemic diseases spread by rat fleas. 黑死病是指由鼠疫蚤传播的致命的淋巴腺鼠疫,是一种流行疾病。
Dr Duncan and Dr Scott saw discrepancies between the way that the Black Death spread through 14th-century Europe and the behaviour of more recent episodes of plague. 邓肯博士和斯科特博士认为黑死病在14世纪欧洲传播的方式和近现代的鼠疫流行有所不同。
Another thing I read in the article was that onions and garlic placed around the room saved many from the black plague years ago. 那篇文章还谈到放在房子里的洋葱和大蒜在多年前的黑逝世病中救了很多人的命。
The Black Plague ravaged Europe. 黑死病蹂躏了欧洲。
The Black Death strikes Europe for the first time. This terrible plague will kill almost a third of the entire population. 黑死病开始第一次肆虐欧洲。可怕的瘟疫带走了欧洲1/3的人口。
It has been thank as the three black plague of the twenty-first century along cancer and AIDS by World Health Organization. 世界卫生组织已将其与癌症、艾滋病共同列为二十一世纪三大黑死病。